There are Fruits, and then there are Fruits

I love fruits. And you should, too. But all fruits are not the same.

It is estimated that Americans eat only about 42% of the recommended amount of fruits they should be eating.  Of the people who do consume fruits, the 2 to 30 year olds are drinking lots of fruit juice, accounting for more than half of their total fruit intake.

Fruit juice, anybody?


So what’s wrong with fruit juice? For one, most fruit juices do not have any fiber. Secondly, most juices have too much sugar and calories.

Think about it. Have you ever heard of anybody overdosing on apples? When was the last time you said to your doctor, “Doc, I don’t eat much food. This five pound weight gain you are complaining about? Let me see. It must be all those apples I ate last month.”

The fiber in fruits gives you a sensation of fullness. So your stomach signals your brain to stop eating long before you have eaten 8 or 10 apples. And it keeps you from feeling hungry shortly after you quit eating.

However, if you drink apple juice, the absence of fiber prevents you from knowing when you have had enough. So you take in serious calories before your stomach protests. Just like those monster servings of soda they sell you at highway gas stations, with free refills.

Why bother with fruits?


Fruits contain several important nutrients, which most people don’t get enough of.

  • Vitamins, including Vitamins A, C, K, and folate
  • Minerals, such as potassium and magnesium
  • Fiber
  • Anti-oxidants, such as poly-phenolic flavonoids, Vitamin C, and anthocyanins
  • Phyto-nutrients (plant derived micro-nutrients)
  • Fruits have no cholesterol and are naturally low in saturated fat, sugar and calories.

What are anti-oxidants?

Anti-oxidants are chemicals which donate electrons to free radicals and protect the body from damage.

Free radicals are chemicals which can damage cells and genetic material by “stealing” electrons from them. These radicals are generated by the body as a byproduct during the conversion of food to energy.


These are chemicals produced by plants, fruits and vegetables. They have unique health benefits. Polyphenols are anti-oxidants, and can also fight inflammation and help protect us against some diseases, such as cancer.

They are found in fruits, vegetables, teas, coffee and wine.

What are flavonoids?

They are a family of polyphenols.

They are produced by plants as protection against parasites and harsh climates. They have many sub-classes, including anthocyanins.



These are pigments which make plants purple and blue. They are powerful anti-oxidants.

Rich sources include blueberries, blackberries, blue-black grapes and plums.

Health benefits of fruits

  • The Harvard-based Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow Up Study showed that the higher the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • People eating more than 5 servings of  fruits and vegetables daily had an approximately 20% lower risk of  coronary heart disease and stroke, compared to people eating fewer than 3 servings daily.
  • The DASH study (using a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated and total fat)  showed a drop of 11 mm Hg in the systolic blood pressure (upper number) and 6 mm Hg in diastolic pressure (lower number) in patients with high blood pressure who followed this diet. Even many blood pressure medicines can bring about only this much drop in blood pressure.
  • Studies suggest a link between eating fruits and vegetables and protection against cancer. There is a suggestion that tomatoes may help protect men against prostate cancer.
  • Some studies suggest that eating more whole fruits (especially apples, grapes and blueberries) may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Which fruits?

In general, any fruit is better than no fruit.

However, all fruits are not equal. Some are more equal than others.


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Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and sour cherries are among the best fruits you can eat.

They have 30-50 calories per 100 gm fruit, and 4-5 gm sugar (blueberries have 10 gm and sour cherries 8 gm).

They are good sources of Vitamin B.

Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are very good sources of Vitamin C, while cranberries, blueberries and sour cherries also have good amounts of it.

Blueberries and blackberries are quite high in Vitamin K.


They are excellent fruits, with 68 calories per 100 gm, 5 gm fiber, 9 gm sugar, and abundant Vitamin C in particular. They are also good sources of Vitamin B and potassium.


This is an often under-appreciated fruit. It contains 39 calories per 100 gm, 6 gm sugar, and abundant Vitamin C and Vitamin A.


This is an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. It has 69 calories and 9 gm sugar per 100 gm.


This is a very good source of Vitamins C & K, and has only 34 calories per 100 gm, as well as 8 grams sugar.

Apricot, Honeydew, Grapefruit, Nectarine, Peach

With 36-48 calories and 7-9 gm sugar per 100 gm, these are good for health, and nice sources of Vitamin C. Grapefruits and apricots have ample stores of Vitamin A, too.

Pomegranate, Watermelon, Orange, Pineapple

These have 30 (watermelon) to 83 (pomegranate) calories and 6-14 gm sugar per 100 gm. They are particularly plentiful in Vitamin C.

Apple, Mango, Plum, Tangerine, Passion Fruit

They have 46-92 calories and 10-15 gm sugar per 100 gm. Mangoes have 15 gm sugar per 100 gm. Apples have 52 calories, 10 gm sugar and 2 gm fiber per 100 gm.

Pears, Bananas, Figs, Sweet Cherries, Grapes

These are relatively higher in sugar (10-16 gm per 100 gm), and have 58-89 calories per 100 gm. They are also good sources of vitamins.

Bottom Line

  • No single fruit has all the nutrients you need. It is therefore important to eat different kinds, and plenty of them.
  • The daily recommendation is for adults to eat one and a half to two cups of fruits.
  • You can use fruits as snacks, salads, and desserts.
  • It is better to eat whole fruits and those in season.
  • You can use fruits to top cereals and pancakes.

So go ahead and eat your fruits, instead of drinking them!




5 thoughts on “There are Fruits, and then there are Fruits”

  1. Glad you posted this! Nick should read this- he and I have had endless debates on the benefits of eating fruits, and I don’t think I’ve sold him on it yet. Maybe this will do the trick! 🙂

  2. Franklin C Wefald MD FACC

    Hey fruits are the best. I would love to hear from Shiv as we worked together back in 2008.


      Hi there! Wonderful hearing from you. I truly enjoyed working with you. Hope you and the family are doing well. Drop me an email periodically as I would love to keep up.

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